L’Arte de Correa de Arauxo

From Franco-Flemish Polyphony to the Spanish organ tradition

Correa de Arauxo’s surviving music is all contained in a single volume entitled Libro de tientos y discursos de música practica, y theorica de organo intitulado Facultad organica (Alcalá, 1626). This publication is exceptional in many aspects: the number and the quality of Correa’s own compositions (69 in total); his references to the Franco-Flemish polyphonic tradition and to Spanish composers of the previous generations (Antonio de Cabezon, Guerrero, Morales…); the very detailed information he gives about the interpretation of his music. It also keeps some of its secrets: what are the sources of inspiration for the magnificent and virtuosic art of ornamentation? How much did dance and folk music influence Correa’s style? What kind of contact did he have with musicians of the Arabo-Andalusian tradition? At a time where Flemish organ-builders were at work in most Spanish cities including Sevilla, Correa’s hometown, what kind of trends and practices could he integrate so fast to make them his own, and publish one of the most important anthology of the 17th century? How much was Correa in touch with the great painters living at his time in Sevilla, the most famous of them being Diego Velazquez?  

The program of this concert presents some of the most fabulous Correa’s Tientos (“tiento” means “essay” in Spanish, the same as “ricercare” in Italian) together with works of the composers and pieces he refers to. 

InAlto & Bernard Foccroulle explore here the roots of Correa’s creative process, navigating in almost 200 years of repertoire that formed the master’s soundscape.

Alonso Lobo (1555-1617) – Beata Dei Genitrix 

Correa de Arauxo (1584-1654) – Canto Llano de la Inmaculada Concepcion

Pierre de La Rue (1460-1518) – Sanctus (Missa Ave Maria)

Correa de Arauxo – Tiento XVII

Nicolas Gombert (1495-1556) – O Gloriosa Dei Genitrix

Correa de Arauxo – Tiento LIII

Josquin des Prés (1450-1521) – Ave Maria

Correa de Arauxo – Tiento IX

Correa de Arauxo – Tiento XXXIX

Nicolas Gombert/Antonio de Cabezon (1510-1566) – Ayme qui voldra

Roland de Lassus (1532-1594)/Francesco Rognoni (1570-1626)  – Susanna d’Orlando

Correa de Arauxo – Tiento XXIII Sobre la Batalla de Morales

Francisco Guerrero (1528-1599)/Juan de Urreda (1430-1482)/Bricio Gaudi – Pange Lingua

Correa de Arauxo – Prosa del Santissimo Sacramento

Ensemble InAlto

Alice Foccroulle – Soprano

Vojtech Semerad – Alto

Olivier Coiffet – Tenor

Guillaume Olry – Bass

Susanna Defendi, Guy Hanssen, Bart Vroomen – Trombones

Bernard Foccroulle – Organ

Lambert Colson, Cornetts and Artistic Direction


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